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  • Opening Night Of Elf: Snow Globe Explosion!

    The lights go down and the curtain opens. The night was a complete hit. Point Boroughs Performing Arts put on the show of Elf the Musical and blow the crowd away. During the second scene there was an accident where the snow globe broke on stage. The snow globe broke in Buddy the elf bag as he was dancing, the stage was slippery but with out the audience noticing the crew was able to deal with the situation and clean up the mess with the help of the cast. There was one girl who fell down but luckily she was perfectly fine, she just took a good fall. I'm happy to inform anyone who is considered that behind the scenes we have multiple EMT certified students who are willing to take care of their fellow classmates at any given time. Other than that small accident that was quick fixed the night was amazing, congratulations to the cast and the crew for their amazing performances! Good luck, break a leg... stay safe!

  • I Remember...

    I remember very little. The hard snow cooling me down, Sitting in the fetal position. I think I blacked out. I don’t remember turning myself over, I don’t remember hitting the front of my head. I remember swaying but sitting still. I remember being asked if I cracked my helmet, I don’t remember my fall being that hard, But I do remember it hurting.

  • It Didn't Hurt

    Racing, the world flies past you as you pick up speed. Picking the edges to match the board with the lumps of snow. Trying to stop then realizing there was a hidden block of ice just underneath the surface. You fly for what feels like a mile only to fall. Landing with your back folded over the hump on the mountain. Sitting up, holding your breath hoping your back and body are fine. Trying to release your own breath realizing you can’t. You’re drowning yet the only water around is the frozen flakes you’re sitting on top of.

  • Falling

    When you fall asleep it’s quick and you feel like you're sinking down a dark hole. Yet when you fall in love it’s slow, savory and you feel like you flying. Yet falling out of love is the two combined. Slow and heartbreaking with the feeling of falling faster and faster till you hit the ground. Yet the ground is still just under your feet and you haven’t fallen asleep. Without love, we are birds with broken wings. “Without love, we are birds with broken wings.” Tuesdays with Moore By Mitch Albam

  • Mary Jane

    Since I could remember the only car I've ever wanted was an old ford pick up and that's just what I got. 1971 F250 Ford pickup. A flashy Kelly Green color, and far too loud. Now that I have the car it has more of a bittersweet feeling to it. I had nerves waiting for it like I was going on a first date. Now looking at the car, it reminds me of my grandmother.

  • Farewell Seniors Of 2021-2022

    Good morning world, please shine bright on these smiling faces. They have gone four years in this building and their stories are just beginning. They are ready for what you have in store. May you treat them with care, and keep them in your heart. Farewell, our beloved. Let the worries fly away and the joy fill your cups. - With all the love in the world, The Literary Magazine

  • Beating

    My heart feels like a drum. My stomach like a piano, You kept tickling the keys. Your words like a song, Light through the air.

  • Bloom

    Grow so fast, Almost overnight, Grow into the morning, And reach for the light. Believe in yourself, Never give up, Soak up the sun. Good luck.

  • Uneasy

    Waking up feeling the world is off its axis, The planet is spinning the wrong way, Something isn’t right. Question after question. I didn’t see you there. How much did you hear? Then a bird stopped and stared at me, For too long. Filling me with emotion A robin, A spirit, I knew what was up.

  • Child-ish

    Be a child, Stay a child, Don't grow up, Stay young, Smell the roses. Go to work, Go to school, Study. Grow up already, You have no time to do that, You're acting childish. There are no “stupid questions.” Don't be silly. Take your time. Hurry up.

  • Elf The Musical

    Watching the stage come to life is a truly wonderful experience. From the stage designs, building, to the dancing and acting. Everyone contributes and makes some Christmas magic! This year the Point Pleasant Borough Winter Performance will be Elf The Musical. A colorful upbeat Christmas show. Filled with laughter, even after watching a million times I can’t help but smile at the amazing performance. Luke Baker is the amazing actor casted as the main role, he is the true embodiment of Buddy the Elf. Luke is energetic as he is singing, dancing, and smiling throughout the entire show. Making sure the whole crowd is smiling. A show that opens with Mrs. Claus - Jackie Murphy - comes to life instantly. As Mrs. Claus reads to us the curtains open with a song and dance. Leading one into the other the cast has memorized countless amounts of harmonies, melodies and choreography. Every scene is filled with energy and excitement. I - Kelli McNally - have the honor to help run the show as the crew deck chief. I help call the cues for the show as well as running around doing as much as I can. If something goes wrong in the show I’m there to fix it. This show has many, many scene changes. The deck crew rushes through the wings and onto the stage to help bring you through the story and life of Buddy the Elf. They haven’t had nearly as much practice as the cast but they all pulled together and work as hard as human;y possible. After seeing the show I promise you that you will have the songs stuck in your head and you will be leaving the auditorium with a smile on your face. Good luck to the cast and crew of this year’s winter performance. The production date will be Thursday 8th, Friday the 9th, Saturday the 10th, and Sunday the 11th.

  • 100th Goal

    Congratulations Aidan Kirk for being the first person in Point Pleasant Borough history to make 100 goals in lacrosse! Aidan Kirk is one of the very athletic seniors at Point Borough. The lacrosse program is fairly new, only around 7 years old. Nevertheless, it is an amazing accomplishment. Especially considering the fact that he missed his sophomore season, due to the pandemic a few years back the lacrosse season was cut. Yet Aidan has still made the best of his high school experience and made it to his 100th goal. The game was on April 6th, it was against Donovan Catholic and we crashed them. With a final score of 15 to 5, we came out on top. So congratulations to everyone on the team.

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